Annotation app

How we built a micro app to streamline the quality check process for the internal ops team

As we scaled, measuring the quality of translations went from being an ad-hoc check up to standard operating procedure for all customers. However linguists on the ops team used Jupyter notebooks and a non-scalable process to annotate translations delivered!

This project describes how we uncovered the user needs, designed and shipped a product surface to unify and streamline the annotation workflows. Resulting in us developing a tool that basically automated the entire annotation process!

Business objective

Operational efficiency, reduce cost

Business objective

Operational efficiency, reduce cost

Business objective

Operational efficiency, reduce cost

Business objective

Operational efficiency, reduce cost

Project type

Built a new app

Project type

Built a new app

Project type

Built a new app

Project type

Built a new app

My role

Hybrid PMxPD

My role

Hybrid PMxPD

My role

Hybrid PMxPD

My role

Hybrid PMxPD

Skills highlight

Product thinking, Systems thinking

Skills highlight

Product thinking, Systems thinking

Skills highlight

Product thinking, Systems thinking

Skills highlight

Product thinking, Systems thinking