How we created a friendly chatbot to submit an insurance claim for folks who have had a car accident

Customers who have gone through a car accident are required to fill out a standardised form to submit a claim to their insurance provider. This form is verbose, loaded with technical language, and downright unfriendly. Additionally insurance providers incur significant operational expense in managing the claims process, including dealing with poorly filled forms.

In this project, we set out to create an uncomplicated mobile app experience to file an insurance claim. Apart from elevating the customer experience, our approach allowed us to streamline the claims process internally reducing operational expenses

Business objective

Operational efficiency, reduce cost

Business objective

Operational efficiency, reduce cost

Business objective

Operational efficiency, reduce cost

Business objective

Operational efficiency, reduce cost

Project type

New chatbot in mobile app

Project type

New chatbot in mobile app

Project type

New chatbot in mobile app

Project type

New chatbot in mobile app

My role

Product designer

My role

Product designer

My role

Product designer

My role

Product designer

Skills highlight

Interaction design, Visual design, Service design

Skills highlight

Interaction design, Visual design, Service design

Skills highlight

Interaction design, Visual design, Service design

Skills highlight

Interaction design, Visual design, Service design

hero image showing mobile app with chatbot
hero image showing mobile app with chatbot
hero image showing mobile app with chatbot
hero image showing mobile app with chatbot